
Is your current retirement plan on track to provide you the income you need when you retire?

Estate Planning in Minneapolis, MN

While it is true that estate planning can be expensive and complex when dealing with mega-estates and multi-generational families, it also offers some very straightforward and inexpensive legal protections for the average American family. Even a simple will can alleviate a lot of problems, but there are other simple, often overlooked tools that can provide critical protections while you are living.

Personalized Estate Planning Services

At Ferguson Financial, we work with you to identify the essential tools and techniques that can protect you and your family from costly legal and financial complications, including:

  • A Will with guardianship arrangements and testamentary trust
  • A Living Trust to avoid the delay and expense of probate
  • A Power of Attorney to protect your financial interests while you’re alive
  • A Health Care Directive to ensure compliance with your intentions while incapacitated

Depending on the size and composition of your estate, there may be other aspects of your plan that need to be managed in order to ensure it complies with your intentions as well as the law.

We will work on your behalf to coordinate the planning activities of your other advisors to ensure your estate plan is fully integrated with the rest of your financial plan.

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